We Can Help Turn Your Ideas Into Reality!

Get a complete package at ₹2999 including website building and account creation

Parcel Packing Training

Learn how to pack parcels for shipment efficiently and securely

Product Listing Training

Discover how to list products on YouTube and Flipkart for maximum exposure

Online Store Management
Optimizing Sales Strategies

About b1d.in - Web Development Company

b1d.in is a web development company offering complete website packages at ₹2999. We provide training on packing parcels, listing products, and managing online stores for three months.

Our Mission and Vision
Why Choose Us

At b1d.in, we are dedicated to helping our customers succeed in the online marketplace. With our comprehensive packages and training, we ensure that your business thrives.

Services Offered by b1d.in

Professional website building and account creation on top e-commerce platforms at affordable prices.

Complete Website Package

Get a website built and accounts created on Amazon, Flipkart, and Meesho for just ₹2999.

silver iMac turned on inside room
silver iMac turned on inside room
Three Months Training

Learn how to pack parcels, list products on YouTube and Flipkart, and optimize online store sales.

I am extremely satisfied with the website and training provided by b1d.in. Highly recommend their services.


silver iMac near iPhone on brown wooden table
silver iMac near iPhone on brown wooden table
turned on MacBook Pro beside gray mug
turned on MacBook Pro beside gray mug


Contact Us for Expert Help

Have any questions or need assistance? Contact us today for expert guidance and support on building your online presence with b1d.in.

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